Friday, January 18, 2008

Plain Folks this was used in the book alot it was used in pretty much every chapter. they use it to get any thing they want. squealer dishes it out they take it in. Bandwagon this is how most animals felt in the book they felt it was so popular every one was thinking it was a good idea they went against thire own opinion for that reason only. Black and White Thinking this was mostly the whole book it was the whole concept. you have a different opinion you are a traitor. then you are banned. Name calling this is used when some one in a campaine wants to win really bad. they will trash the oponint in stead of telling what they will. Glittering Generalitieso this is used to make some thing bad seem good. the government uses this all the time. they make us belive what they did is not that bad.

1 comment:

Ms. Strout said...

*Your "plain folks" reference does not make sense in terms of what the "plain folks" technique means.

*"this is how most animals felt in the book they felt it was so popular everyone was thinking it was a good idea they went against thire own opinion for that reason only." It is really important to proofread your work for spelling and clarity. This is a run-on sentence and is very unclear. Also, it does not make a clear reference to a specific part of the story.

*Chapter references? Mention of specific characters? One paragraph per topic?

*It's really important that you use your time wisely and follow directions.
