Wednesday, November 28, 2007


What I am doing here I don't know but to have that fear of death is scary. To have a gun pointed at me and being told I will be shot if I don't move faster is scary. I have no strength and I need food and water. I hope this ends soon I can’t take any more of it I will die sooner than I can live if I don't get food or water now. Where will I go when I leave here what will happen to me if my parents die what if I die? I am only six what have I done that is so wrong that I deserve this treatment. This cant be happening this must be a dream this will end when I wake up just let me wake up. What if I never wake up what if I sleep for ever and this lasts for ever. What have we done that is so wrong that we must be treated like animals? I hear people say this is just the beginning what can be worse than this I cant even imagine any thing more horrible than this. They are also saying we are heading to a camp. How can camp be bad when I think of camp I think out doors and camp fires. Although people do say I’m right about the fire. Some say I could die by fire. When the men with guns talk to us they always say some thing like "move Jew." is that why we are here? Our religion is why we are being killed like this. Is it so bad to believe in some thing else? If so I’m sorry ill stop. Just stop pointing that gun at me please. I have done nothing wrong so WHY?

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