Thursday, February 28, 2008


1.48% of students in 8th grade in Sussex have tryed alcohol compared to 41% in the nation.
88% of students in 12th grade in Sussex have tryed alcohol compared to 75% in the nation.

2. alot of people under age drink. Their is no stopping them. They can get it any time they want. its not really surprising that the statistics look like this. the people can get any thing they want. some of it could be pressure from their friends.

3.I think the do it because they are not allowed to. They like to disobey and to do it because of the way it makes them feel. if you say they cant have it what will they want? what they cant have. so that could be the biggest reason. think back to when you were a kid when your parents said you cant touch that what did you do you touched it. so think about that when you see the statistics of kids who have tryed alcohol.

1 comment:

Ms. Strout said...

Honest commentary - don't forget about capital letters, please! 26/30