Thursday, February 28, 2008


1.48% of students in 8th grade in Sussex have tryed alcohol compared to 41% in the nation.
88% of students in 12th grade in Sussex have tryed alcohol compared to 75% in the nation.

2. alot of people under age drink. Their is no stopping them. They can get it any time they want. its not really surprising that the statistics look like this. the people can get any thing they want. some of it could be pressure from their friends.

3.I think the do it because they are not allowed to. They like to disobey and to do it because of the way it makes them feel. if you say they cant have it what will they want? what they cant have. so that could be the biggest reason. think back to when you were a kid when your parents said you cant touch that what did you do you touched it. so think about that when you see the statistics of kids who have tryed alcohol.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I think that people do grow up too fast. Alot of kids know about thing they shouldn't. They know about drugs, they already have jobs, and they know about other things. Some kids are supporting there family wile in high school. Some kids take care of their parents. This happens because the parent are ether on drugs lazy or poor.

His life is different because he takes care of his sister with his own money. His mom is married to a abusive man who has hit Gerald before. The man is a drunk and has a bad temper. Gerald is holding down a job to keep the family from living on the street. He has more responsibilities than a high school student should.

Handle a difficult situation- I was at my friends house and we were messing around and broke a picture frame. We were worried his parents would find out so we tried to wood glue it back together. But that didn't work. So we tied to screw it back together and it didn't work at first. But then the screw started going in and we put it all back together then hung it back up. No one found out it was broken.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


2005 National and New York State Child Abuse Statistics

Types of maltreatment included:1
Neglect (including medical neglect)
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Psychological Maltreatment

In 2005, 64,207 New York State children were abused or neglected, approximately 14 of every 1,000 children in the state. The NYS Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (the Child Abuse Reporting Hotline) received 139,169 reports of suspected child abuse or neglect, involving 185,819 children. Upon investigation, 42,169 (31 percent) were substantiated as situations of child abuse and neglect. (There are more child victims than reports, because more than one child is involved in some cases.) Compared to the prior year, the number of reports decreased by 1.1; the number of substantiated cases decreased by 1.2 percent; the number of child victims decresed 16 percent.

Nationwide in 2005, 1,460 children died of abuse or neglect in the 50 states that reported information; that is, almost 2 children for every 100,000 in the population. Children younger than one year old accounted for 31.8 percent of fatalities and 76.6 percent of fatalities were younger than four years old.

United States
New York State
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Emotional Maltreatment
Medical Neglect
Other Types